To celebrate Women’s History Month & International Women’s Day, we asked the women of GlenGuard one question – what advice would you give the next generation about the value of female leaders? Here’s what they had to say:


May be an image of 6 people and text

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'MIA ALBERTO VICE PRESIDENT & GENERAL MANAGER 16 YEARS WITH GLENGUARD "Surround yourself with a diverse group professionals who challenge you to succeed. ' been fortunate to havea mentor who encouraged me to think bigger, who taught me to be more outspoken, and mentees who ve helped me see objectives from new perspectives. The moment you surround yourself with like- minded individuals, you stop growing." >>'

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'HALLEY SMITH DIRECTOR OF DIRECTOROFCOMMERICAL COMMERICAL OPERATIONS 9 YEARS WITH GLENGUARD "Continue to lift up up and support each female in their roles and provide opportunities that allow women's voices to be elevated." >>'

May be a graphic of 1 person and text that says 'MORGAN MILLER SENIOR PRODUCT MANAGER 6 YEARS WITH GLENGUARD "I have had the pleasure of being mentored by many strong female leaders my career My advice for the next generation would be to find a strong female leader listen, observe, and learn from their experiences. Generations of strong female leaders have paved the way for me and younger generations to come to have the opportunity to be a part of leadership roles." >>'

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'NICOLE WASHINGTON CUSTOMER SERVICE & PLANNING COORDINATOR 1 YEAR WITH GLENGUARD "Female leaders are bold, confident, courageous, respectful, and notivated.| would tell the next generation of female leaders to wear confidence proudly, be confidenti what you bring to the table and what you have to say. Set goals and achieve them, never neHe place other people's limitations on yourself, and always stand on business!" >>'

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'CAROLINE YATES MARKETING DIRECTOR 16 YEARS WITH GLENGUARD "Be a role model for other women. The female leaders around me have been invaluable. They've been my friends & mentors- embodying resilience, empathy, and innovation." >>'

May be a graphic of 1 person and text that says 'JESSICA SMALL MARKETING SPECIALIST 10 YEARS WITH GLENGUARD "Women bring a unique perspective and experience to the table. This diversity is crucial for navigating complex challenges. In environments where different points of view are valued, innovation flourishes. Be confidenti in your unique perspective."'